Saturday, January 14, 2012

Prayers have answers!! Yes Its true!!-I

       My heart was full of pain and my eyes were filled with tears when I heard My mom was transferred to GCE Bargur. When mom received this information unofficially when we were at the Hospital. My mom was able to control the pain but I was not. I felt very bad and tears rolled down my eyes. I was not able to to ride my bike. I convinced my mind stating that it was just a rumour. No one informed it officially. By 4 in the evening there was a call to my mom officially from the then Principal In charge. He disclosed the transfer data officially and he asked my mom to discharge duties at that moment. It was planned perfectly such that the order was issued on friday evening and consecutively there were 3 days of Holiday. Mom asked the Princi-In-Charge that she ll get relieved after our Bakrid! I was worried because since she was in the principal panel and if the panel comes then they ll make my mom to stay in bargur for 5 more years. I didn liked it to happen. But to be frank when my mom assumed charge in Bargur I felt very happy. The Bargur team wanted her to be with them for few more time. She assumed charge on a tuesday and I was flying high seeing her on the principal's chamber. Mashallah! She worked on the 1st day of her joining. Since she was there 2 girls got permission to reside in hostel because she decides on the context basis. Students got their tap problem solved!! etc., etc. Then she met the 1st years because she is complete only with the students. She had an interaction with the students. She motivated them to reach their goals.
                             On Nov 24th She organised an Orientation programme for the 1st years on Leadership skills. I was previliged because it was my 3 rd even as the speaker. The audience enjoyed a lot. They wanted more sessions from me. I promised them that I will turn back. We fixed our minds and I convinced my mind that all is well!!
                             In the mean time at GCE Salem they started pulling my legs! Everyone added fuel to my feelings. The colleagues asked me to leave since my mom was alone in Bargur itseems. I controlled my emotions. A month went on and so.
                            The month of November was a mixture of happiness and sadness! We as a family managed only due to Allah's Blessings!!

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